How to invite all Facebook friends to like your page, All you know that Facebook Is a top social networking site around the world, It has nearly 800 million users. The founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg, It Is started In 2004. Facebook has a feature that users can create a page to develop their business, we can create a pages of different categories like Entertainment, Business, Organization etc.
At first no one knows how to create page in facebook, but now even small children also creating and using Fb pages. But the problem is to get likes by their friends, if we get more likes , we can develop our business well. Already lot of posts are in google for this but recently facebook changed its page layout so many are confusing about this so in this article I give you with images follow these and get more likes to your fb pages.
Normally, we invite our friends but it takes lot of time!! So to overcome with this time problem we have come up with a simple code that will automatically invite all your friends to like your page with a singe click!!
Facebook page new layout 2015-How to invite all Facebook friends to like your page!!
Just Follow the given steps:
- First, open the page for which you want to send invites to your friends.
- If you are the admin of the page you will see an option "BUILD AUDIENCE", Click on it.
- Click on Invite Friends, a pop will open containing a list of all your facebook friends. Scroll the List as much as you can so that all of your friends get listed in it.
- Now, hit F12 on your keyboard. Console window opens in chrome browser. Don't use maxthon browser.
- The code is not changed use the old one, you copy that code and paste it in console window and hit enter!
- This process can take upto 2 minutes depending upon the number of friends you have.
Recently, call to action button also added it is also very helpful to fb users by using this you can add shop now, Book now, contact us use app etc!!
Note: We can't use this trick in Maxthon browser!! so go with chrome or Mozilla. The below is the Image shows like this when we use this trick in Maxthon.
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